Back in the early 80’s audiences were met with a truly terrifying film that is renowned in the world of horror, Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead.
It shocked fans with its eeriness, not to mention terrifyingly, gruesome effects that had never been seen onscreen before. This movie not only inspired sequels, a “remake”, a series, copycats, even a musical, but has withstood the test of time and is still highly regarded to this day.
However, accomplishing this movie was no easy feat for these (more or less) first-time feature filmmakers. From the crew working off a script that was written on a couple dozen napkins to the filming taking place in a real-life, spooky, abandoned cabin and Sam Raimi actually being brought up on obscenity charges for the picture, we will be taking a look at behind the scenes for one of the biggest cult horror classics of all time.
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